Trading Materials
Case Studies

We utilised our existing network of customers at Asian zinc smelters to find a market for EAF dust.
Case Studies
Ocean Partners finds a market for steel plant waste
Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) dust is a hazardous waste product created during the recycling of scrap steel.
The safe disposal and storage of EAF dust often represents a cost for steel plant operators. However, the material can be re-processed in a kiln to recover residual zinc values.
We utilised our existing network of customers at Asian zinc smelters to find a market for EAF dust.
Offering a complete range of trading services around the world.
Miners, Smelters, Refiners, and Metal Consumers
Ocean Partners works closely with clients to offer bespoke market opportunities through the provision of customized logistics, risk management and finance services.
Ocean Partners UK Limited
The Pearce Building, Third Floor, West Street,
Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1RL, UK
Tel: +44 1628 644060 | Fax: +44 1628 644070
Ocean Partners USA, Inc.
43 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897, USA
Tel: +1-203-834-4444 | Fax: +1-203-834-4440
MK Metal Trading Mexico, S.A de C.V.,
Av. Ejército Nacional Mexicano No. 769,
Torre B Piso 3 Oficina L02, Col.
Granada, Mexico City, 11520 Mexico.
Tel: 55-5540-0255
Trading Partners Peru SAC
Av. El Derby 254 Of. 2402,
Surco, Lima 15023 Peru
Tel: 511-617-9500
Ocean Partners Chile SPA
Nueva Costanera 3698, Of. 602, Vitacura , Santiago, Chile
[email protected]